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Sunday 18 August 2024


 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Kali ini saya akan share list code item di game Resident Evil 4 yg nantinya untuk digunakan pada kode item modifier, berikut list nya dibawah :

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code/pnach Items RE4

*Silahkan dikoreksi jika ada kesalahan*

List Items
00 [item]Magnum Ammo
01 [item]Hand Grenade
02 [item]Incendiary Grenade
03 [item]Matilda
04 [item]Handgun Ammo
05 [item]First Aid Spray
06 [item]Green Herb
07 [item]Rifle Ammo
08 [item]Chicken Egg
09 [item]Brown Chicken Egg
0A [item]Gold Chicken Egg
0B [unknown]"aaa"[Bottle of pills]
0C [item]Plaga Sample
0D [unknown] Krauser's Knife
0E [item]Flash Grenade
0F [key]Salazar Family Insignia
10 [item]Ada Bowgun
11 [item]Bowgun Bolt
12 [item]Green Herb (x2)
13 [item]Green Herb (x3)
14 [item]Mixed Herbs (G+R)
15 [item]Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y)
16 [item]Mixed Herbs (G+Y)
17 [item]Rocket Launcher(Special)
18 [item]Shotgun Shells
19 [item]Red Herb
1A [item]Handcannon Ammo
1B [treasure]Wristwatch(1)
1C [item]Yellow Herb
1D [key]Stone Tablet
1E [key]Lion Ornament
1F [key]Goat Ornament
20 [item]TMP Ammo
21 [item]Punisher
22 [item combined]Punisher w/ Silencer
23 [item]Handgun
24 [item combined]Handgun w/ Silencer
25 [item]Red9
26 [item combined]Red9 w/ Stock
27 [item]Blacktail
28 [item combined]Blacktail w/ Silencer
29 [item]Broken Butterfly
2A [item]Killer7
2B [item combined]Killer7 w/ Silencer
2C [item]Shotgun
2D [item]Striker
2E [item]Rifle
2F [item]Rifle(semi-auto)
30 [item]TMP
31 [item combined]TMP w/ Silencer
32 [item combined]TMP w/ Stock
33 [item combined]TMP w/ Silencer & Stock
34 [item]Chicago Typewriter
35 [item]Rocket Launcher
36 [item]Mine Thrower
37 [item]Handcannon
38 [item]Combat Knife [size 1x3]
39 [key]Serpent Ornament
3A [key]Moonstone(right half)
3B [key]Insignia Key
3C [key]Round Insignia
3D [key]False Eye
3E [item]Custom TMP
3F [item]Silencer(Handgun) [size 2x1]
40 [item problem]Another Punisher???
41 [item]P.R.L 412
42 [item]Stock (Red9)
43 [item]Stock (TMP)
44 [item]Scope (Rifle)
45 [item]Scope (semi-auto rifle)
46 [item]Mine-Darts
47 [item] Ada Shotgun
48 [note]Capture Luis Sera
49 [note]Target Practice
4A [note]Luis' Memo
4B [note]Castellan Memo
4C [note]Female Intruder
4D [note]Butler's Memo
4E [note]Sample Retrieved
4F [note]Ritual Preparation
50 [note]Luis Memo 2
51 [item combined]Rifle(semi-auto) w/ Infrared scope
52 [item]Krauser's Bow
53 [item]Ada Chicago Typewriter
54 [map]Treasure Map(Castle)0
55 [map]Treasure Map(Island)
56 [treasure]Velvet Blue
57 [treasure]Spinal
58 [treasure]Pearl Pendant
59 [treasure]Brass Pocket Watch
5A [treasure]Elegant Headdress
5B [treasure]Antique Pipe
5C [treasure]Gold Bangle w/ Pearls
5D [treasure]Amber Ring
5E [treasure]Beerstein
5F [treasure]Green Catseye
60 [treasure]Red Catseye
61 [treasure]Yellow Catseye
62 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G)
63 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (R)
64 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (Y)
65 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G,R)
66 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G,Y)
67 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (R,Y)
68 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G,R,Y)
69 [key]Moonstone(Left Half)
6A [item]Chicago Typewriter Ammo
6B [item combined]Rifle + Scope
6C [item combined]Rifle (semi-auto) w/Scope
6D [item]Infinite Launcher
6E [treasure]King's Grail
6F [treasure]Queen's Grail
70 [treasure]Staff of Royalty
71 [object]Gold Bars
72 [item]Arrows(size 4x1)
73 [unknown]Bonus Time
74 [key]Emergency Lock Card Key
75 [unknown]Bonus Points
76 [key][incomplete] "aaa"
77 [treasure]Ruby
78 [object]Treasure Box(S)
79 [object]Treasure Box(L)
7A [key]Blue Moonstone
7B [key]Key to the Mine
7C [special]Attache Case S
7D [special]Attache Case M
7E [special]Attache Case L
7F [special]Attache Case XL
80 [key]Golden Sword
81 [key]Guitar Case
82 [key]Stone of Sacrifice
83 [key]Storage Room Card Key
84 [key]Freezer Card Key
85 [key]Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther
86 [key]Piece of the Holy Beast, Serpent
87 [key]Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle
88 [key]Jet-ski Key
89 [treasure]Dirty Pearl Pendant
8A [treasure]Dirty Brass Pocket Watch
8B [key]Old Key
8C [key]Camp Key
8D [key]Dynamite
8E [incomplete][key]"aaa"
8F [treasure]Gold Bangle
90 [treasure]Elegant Perfume Bottle
91 [treasure]Mirror w/ Pearls & Rubies
92 [key]Waste Disposal Card Key
93 [treasure]Elegant Chessboard
94 [item]Riot Gun
95 [item]Black Bass
96 [treasure]Hourglass w/ gold decor
97 [item]Black Bass(L)
98 [treasure]Illuminados Pendant
99 [item combined]Rifle w/ Infrared Scope
9A [treasure]Crown
9B [treasure]Crown Jewel
9C [treasure]Royal Insignia
9D [treasure]Crown with Jewels
9E [treasure]Crown with an insignia
9F [treasure]Salazar Family Crown
A0 [item incomplete]Rife Ammo (Infrared)
A1 [treasure]Emerald
A2 [treasure]Bottle Caps
A3 [key]Gallery Key
A4 [key]Emblem (Right galf)
A5 [key]Emblem (Left half)
A6 [key]Hexagonal Emblem
A7 [key]Castle Gate Key
A8 [item]Mixed Herbs (R+Y)
A9 [map]Treasure Map (Village)
AA [item]Scope (Mine Thrower)
AB [item combined]Mine Thrower + Scope
AC [note]Playing Manual 1
AD [note]Info on Ashley
AE [note]Playing Manual 2
AF [note]Alert Order
B0 [note]About the Blue Medallions
B1 [note]Chief's Note
B2 [note]Closure of the Church
B3 [note]Anonymous Letter
B4 [note]Playing Manual 3
B5 [note]Sera and the 3rd Party
B6 [note]Two Routes
B7 [note]Village's Last Defense
B8 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp
B9 [treasure]Green Eye
BA [treasure]Red Eye
BB [treasure]Blue Eye
BC [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (G)
BD [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (R)
BE [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (B)
BF [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,R)
C0 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,B)
C1 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,B)
C2 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,G,B)
C3 [key]Prison Key
C4 [key]Platinum Sword
C5 [item]Infrared Scope
C6 [treasure]Elegant Mask
C7 [treasure]Green Gem
C8 [treasure]Red Gem
C9 [treasure]Purple Gem
CA [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (G)
CB [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (R)
CC [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (P)
CD [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (G,R)
CE [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (G,P)
CF [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (R,P)
D0 [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (R,G,P)
D1 [treasure]Golden Lynx
D2 [treasure]Green Stone of Judgement
D3 [treasure]Red Stone of Faith
D4 [treasure]Blue Stone of Treason
D5 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G)
D6 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (R)
D7 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (B)
D8 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G,R)
D9 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G,B)
DA [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (R,B)
DB [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G,R,B)
DC [bottlecap]Leon w/ rocket launcher
DD [bottlecap]Leon w/ shotgun
DE [bottlecap]Leon w/ handgun
DF [bottlecap]Ashley Graham
E0 [bottlecap]Luis Sera
E1 [bottlecap]Don Jose
E2 [bottlecap]Don Diego
E3 [bottlecap]Don Esteban
E4 [bottlecap]Don Manuel
E5 [bottlecap]Dr. Salvador
E6 [bottlecap]Merchant
E7 [bottlecap]Zealot w/ scythe
E8 [bottlecap]Zealot w/ shield
E9 [bottlecap]Zealot w/ bowgun
EA [bottlecap]Leader zealot
EB [bottlecap]Soldier w/ dynamite
EC [bottlecap]Soldier w/ stun-rod
ED [bottlecap]Soldier w/ hammer
EE [bottlecap]Isabel
EF [bottlecap]Maria
F0 [bottlecap]Ada Wong
F1 [bottlecap]Bella Sisters
F2 [bottlecap]Don Pedro
F3 [bottlecap]J.J.
F4 [note]Letter from Ada
F5 [note]Luis' Memo 3
F6 [note]Paper Airplane
F7 [note]Our Plan
F8 [note]Luis' Memo 4
F9 [note]Krauser's Note
FA [note]Luis' Memo 5
FB [note]Our Mission
FC [unknown]"aaa"
FD [unknown]"aaa"
FE [special]Tactical Vest
FF [key][unknown]"aaa"

Kode raw Resident Evil 4 PS2 disini

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Ok Semoga bisa bermanfat sekian dari saya.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

1 comment:

  1. update kode nya bro, kalau ada yang baru. Cheat kode all nya gak work
