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Sunday, 18 August 2024


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Pada post kali ini saya akan share code items modifier untuk Resident Evil 4 PS2, dengan kode ini kalian bisa mendapatkan item apapun yg kalian mau, disini saya sediakan dalam bentuk text, pnach dan cht untuk OPL silahkan disesuiakan ingin pakai yg mana. Ini untuk versi NTSC/US jangan nanya2 lagi.

File [SLUS_211.34]

Cara penggunaannya simak di video ini (passcode ada disini) disini

List All Item Resident Evil 4 disini

Kode raw Resident Evil 4 PS2 disini

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Kumpulan kode raw PS2 ada disini

Kumpulan kode raw PS2 ada disini

Jika link error/rusak lapor saja.

Ok Semoga bisa bermanfat sekian dari saya.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


 Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Kali ini saya akan share list code item di game Resident Evil 4 yg nantinya untuk digunakan pada kode item modifier, berikut list nya dibawah :

File (Jika ingin disimpan)

code/pnach Items RE4

*Silahkan dikoreksi jika ada kesalahan*

List Items
00 [item]Magnum Ammo
01 [item]Hand Grenade
02 [item]Incendiary Grenade
03 [item]Matilda
04 [item]Handgun Ammo
05 [item]First Aid Spray
06 [item]Green Herb
07 [item]Rifle Ammo
08 [item]Chicken Egg
09 [item]Brown Chicken Egg
0A [item]Gold Chicken Egg
0B [unknown]"aaa"[Bottle of pills]
0C [item]Plaga Sample
0D [unknown] Krauser's Knife
0E [item]Flash Grenade
0F [key]Salazar Family Insignia
10 [item]Ada Bowgun
11 [item]Bowgun Bolt
12 [item]Green Herb (x2)
13 [item]Green Herb (x3)
14 [item]Mixed Herbs (G+R)
15 [item]Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y)
16 [item]Mixed Herbs (G+Y)
17 [item]Rocket Launcher(Special)
18 [item]Shotgun Shells
19 [item]Red Herb
1A [item]Handcannon Ammo
1B [treasure]Wristwatch(1)
1C [item]Yellow Herb
1D [key]Stone Tablet
1E [key]Lion Ornament
1F [key]Goat Ornament
20 [item]TMP Ammo
21 [item]Punisher
22 [item combined]Punisher w/ Silencer
23 [item]Handgun
24 [item combined]Handgun w/ Silencer
25 [item]Red9
26 [item combined]Red9 w/ Stock
27 [item]Blacktail
28 [item combined]Blacktail w/ Silencer
29 [item]Broken Butterfly
2A [item]Killer7
2B [item combined]Killer7 w/ Silencer
2C [item]Shotgun
2D [item]Striker
2E [item]Rifle
2F [item]Rifle(semi-auto)
30 [item]TMP
31 [item combined]TMP w/ Silencer
32 [item combined]TMP w/ Stock
33 [item combined]TMP w/ Silencer & Stock
34 [item]Chicago Typewriter
35 [item]Rocket Launcher
36 [item]Mine Thrower
37 [item]Handcannon
38 [item]Combat Knife [size 1x3]
39 [key]Serpent Ornament
3A [key]Moonstone(right half)
3B [key]Insignia Key
3C [key]Round Insignia
3D [key]False Eye
3E [item]Custom TMP
3F [item]Silencer(Handgun) [size 2x1]
40 [item problem]Another Punisher???
41 [item]P.R.L 412
42 [item]Stock (Red9)
43 [item]Stock (TMP)
44 [item]Scope (Rifle)
45 [item]Scope (semi-auto rifle)
46 [item]Mine-Darts
47 [item] Ada Shotgun
48 [note]Capture Luis Sera
49 [note]Target Practice
4A [note]Luis' Memo
4B [note]Castellan Memo
4C [note]Female Intruder
4D [note]Butler's Memo
4E [note]Sample Retrieved
4F [note]Ritual Preparation
50 [note]Luis Memo 2
51 [item combined]Rifle(semi-auto) w/ Infrared scope
52 [item]Krauser's Bow
53 [item]Ada Chicago Typewriter
54 [map]Treasure Map(Castle)0
55 [map]Treasure Map(Island)
56 [treasure]Velvet Blue
57 [treasure]Spinal
58 [treasure]Pearl Pendant
59 [treasure]Brass Pocket Watch
5A [treasure]Elegant Headdress
5B [treasure]Antique Pipe
5C [treasure]Gold Bangle w/ Pearls
5D [treasure]Amber Ring
5E [treasure]Beerstein
5F [treasure]Green Catseye
60 [treasure]Red Catseye
61 [treasure]Yellow Catseye
62 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G)
63 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (R)
64 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (Y)
65 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G,R)
66 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G,Y)
67 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (R,Y)
68 [treasure]Beerstein w/ (G,R,Y)
69 [key]Moonstone(Left Half)
6A [item]Chicago Typewriter Ammo
6B [item combined]Rifle + Scope
6C [item combined]Rifle (semi-auto) w/Scope
6D [item]Infinite Launcher
6E [treasure]King's Grail
6F [treasure]Queen's Grail
70 [treasure]Staff of Royalty
71 [object]Gold Bars
72 [item]Arrows(size 4x1)
73 [unknown]Bonus Time
74 [key]Emergency Lock Card Key
75 [unknown]Bonus Points
76 [key][incomplete] "aaa"
77 [treasure]Ruby
78 [object]Treasure Box(S)
79 [object]Treasure Box(L)
7A [key]Blue Moonstone
7B [key]Key to the Mine
7C [special]Attache Case S
7D [special]Attache Case M
7E [special]Attache Case L
7F [special]Attache Case XL
80 [key]Golden Sword
81 [key]Guitar Case
82 [key]Stone of Sacrifice
83 [key]Storage Room Card Key
84 [key]Freezer Card Key
85 [key]Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther
86 [key]Piece of the Holy Beast, Serpent
87 [key]Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle
88 [key]Jet-ski Key
89 [treasure]Dirty Pearl Pendant
8A [treasure]Dirty Brass Pocket Watch
8B [key]Old Key
8C [key]Camp Key
8D [key]Dynamite
8E [incomplete][key]"aaa"
8F [treasure]Gold Bangle
90 [treasure]Elegant Perfume Bottle
91 [treasure]Mirror w/ Pearls & Rubies
92 [key]Waste Disposal Card Key
93 [treasure]Elegant Chessboard
94 [item]Riot Gun
95 [item]Black Bass
96 [treasure]Hourglass w/ gold decor
97 [item]Black Bass(L)
98 [treasure]Illuminados Pendant
99 [item combined]Rifle w/ Infrared Scope
9A [treasure]Crown
9B [treasure]Crown Jewel
9C [treasure]Royal Insignia
9D [treasure]Crown with Jewels
9E [treasure]Crown with an insignia
9F [treasure]Salazar Family Crown
A0 [item incomplete]Rife Ammo (Infrared)
A1 [treasure]Emerald
A2 [treasure]Bottle Caps
A3 [key]Gallery Key
A4 [key]Emblem (Right galf)
A5 [key]Emblem (Left half)
A6 [key]Hexagonal Emblem
A7 [key]Castle Gate Key
A8 [item]Mixed Herbs (R+Y)
A9 [map]Treasure Map (Village)
AA [item]Scope (Mine Thrower)
AB [item combined]Mine Thrower + Scope
AC [note]Playing Manual 1
AD [note]Info on Ashley
AE [note]Playing Manual 2
AF [note]Alert Order
B0 [note]About the Blue Medallions
B1 [note]Chief's Note
B2 [note]Closure of the Church
B3 [note]Anonymous Letter
B4 [note]Playing Manual 3
B5 [note]Sera and the 3rd Party
B6 [note]Two Routes
B7 [note]Village's Last Defense
B8 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp
B9 [treasure]Green Eye
BA [treasure]Red Eye
BB [treasure]Blue Eye
BC [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (G)
BD [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (R)
BE [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (B)
BF [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,R)
C0 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,B)
C1 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,B)
C2 [treasure]Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,G,B)
C3 [key]Prison Key
C4 [key]Platinum Sword
C5 [item]Infrared Scope
C6 [treasure]Elegant Mask
C7 [treasure]Green Gem
C8 [treasure]Red Gem
C9 [treasure]Purple Gem
CA [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (G)
CB [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (R)
CC [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (P)
CD [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (G,R)
CE [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (G,P)
CF [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (R,P)
D0 [treasure]Elegant Mask w/ (R,G,P)
D1 [treasure]Golden Lynx
D2 [treasure]Green Stone of Judgement
D3 [treasure]Red Stone of Faith
D4 [treasure]Blue Stone of Treason
D5 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G)
D6 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (R)
D7 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (B)
D8 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G,R)
D9 [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G,B)
DA [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (R,B)
DB [treasure]Golden Lynx w/ (G,R,B)
DC [bottlecap]Leon w/ rocket launcher
DD [bottlecap]Leon w/ shotgun
DE [bottlecap]Leon w/ handgun
DF [bottlecap]Ashley Graham
E0 [bottlecap]Luis Sera
E1 [bottlecap]Don Jose
E2 [bottlecap]Don Diego
E3 [bottlecap]Don Esteban
E4 [bottlecap]Don Manuel
E5 [bottlecap]Dr. Salvador
E6 [bottlecap]Merchant
E7 [bottlecap]Zealot w/ scythe
E8 [bottlecap]Zealot w/ shield
E9 [bottlecap]Zealot w/ bowgun
EA [bottlecap]Leader zealot
EB [bottlecap]Soldier w/ dynamite
EC [bottlecap]Soldier w/ stun-rod
ED [bottlecap]Soldier w/ hammer
EE [bottlecap]Isabel
EF [bottlecap]Maria
F0 [bottlecap]Ada Wong
F1 [bottlecap]Bella Sisters
F2 [bottlecap]Don Pedro
F3 [bottlecap]J.J.
F4 [note]Letter from Ada
F5 [note]Luis' Memo 3
F6 [note]Paper Airplane
F7 [note]Our Plan
F8 [note]Luis' Memo 4
F9 [note]Krauser's Note
FA [note]Luis' Memo 5
FB [note]Our Mission
FC [unknown]"aaa"
FD [unknown]"aaa"
FE [special]Tactical Vest
FF [key][unknown]"aaa"

Kode raw Resident Evil 4 PS2 disini

Untuk Save Data lain ada disini

Cara mindahin filenya dari FD ke MC ada disini

Kumpulan kode raw PS2 ada disini

Jika link error/rusak lapor saja.

Kumpulan kode raw PS2 ada disini

Ok Semoga bisa bermanfat sekian dari saya.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Friday, 2 August 2024


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Kali ini sesuai janji saya akan share game Dynasty Warriors 6 yang sudah di patch dengan beberapa mod yg sudah dimasukan ke dalam rom/ISO nya. Tidak terlalu banyak mod yg dimasukan tetapi lumayan lah untuk happy2.

Patch Mod :
- All Characters Musou & Free Mode
- Aura Ala2
- Start with Special
- Always Get Weapons
- Always Get Horses
- Always Get King Horse Candidate

File [SLUS.217.74]

Untuk cara penggunannya silahkan disimak videonya passcode/password ada disana juga. Lihat disini

Kode raw Dynasty Warriors 6 PS2 disini

Save data Dynasty Warriors 6 PS2 disini

Kode raw Resident Evil 4 PS2 disini

Untuk Save Data lain ada disini

Cara mindahin filenya dari FD ke MC ada disini

Kumpulan kode raw PS2 ada disini

Jika link error/rusak lapor saja.

Ok Semoga bisa bermanfat sekian dari saya.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.